Collage of 13 worst anime to avoid in 2025, featuring EX-ARM, Pupa, Vampire Holmes, and more, showcasing the worst-rated anime.

13 Worst Anime in 2025 – Regret Watching These Nightmares!

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Anime has given us masterpieces, but some shows are just outright disasters. Whether it’s terrible animation, nonsensical plots, or unbearable characters, some series are simply the worst anime in the world. Let’s dive into the 13 worst anime to watch in 2025, featuring some of the worst-rated anime ever!

EX-ARM 2021 anime, featuring poor CGI and a nonsensical plot, considered one of the 13 worst anime of 2025.

Widely considered one of the worst anime series ever made, EX-ARM is an absolute trainwreck. With horrendous CGI that looks like a failed video game project and a plot that makes no sense, this anime is a must-avoid. It remains one of the worst-rated anime in the world.

2. Pupa (2014)

Pupa 2014 anime, filled with grotesque imagery and weak storytelling, part of the 13 worst anime list.

Ever wondered what it would be like if an anime tried to mix body horror with an incomprehensible story? Pupa is your answer. With only 4-minute episodes filled with grotesque imagery and zero character development, this show is often on the worst 13 anime ranking lists.

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3. Vampire Holmes (2015)

Vampire Holmes 2015 anime, lacking detective work, among the 13 worst anime of all time.

A detective anime with zero detective work? That’s Vampire Holmes! With boring characters, lifeless animation, and a non-existent plot, it’s easily one of the 13 worst anime of all time.

4. Hanoka (2006)

Hanoka 2006 anime, poorly animated and forgettable, ranked as one of the 13 worst anime to avoid.

One of the first anime entirely made in Flash, and it shows. The poor animation, forgettable story, and stiff characters make Hanoka one of the worst anime to watch.

5. Gibiate (2020)

Gibiate 2020 anime, with bad character designs and weak dialogue, included in the 13 worst anime list.

Marketed as a next-level sci-fi anime, Gibiate turned out to be an absolute disaster. From awful character designs to laughable dialogue, it belongs in the worst anime ranking.

6. Forest Fairy Five (2016)

Forest Fairy Five 2016 anime, suffering from poor CGI and weak animation, considered one of the worst anime.

If you’ve never heard of Forest Fairy Five, consider yourself lucky. The anime has some of the worst CGI ever, making it painful to watch.

7. Skelter Heaven (2004)

Skelter Heaven 2004 anime, known for bad animation and mecha fights, ranking in the 13 worst anime list.

This anime is a perfect example of what happens when bad animation meets an even worse story. With its cringe-worthy mecha fights, it deserves its spot on the worst-rated anime in the world list.

8. Mars of Destruction (2005)

Mars of Destruction 2005 anime, featuring robotic voice acting and a nonsensical plot, one of the worst anime to watch.

Some say this is the worst anime of all time. The voice acting is robotic, the plot makes zero sense, and the action scenes are laughably bad.

9. Eiken (2003)

Eiken 2003 anime, filled with excessive fan service and disturbing character designs, ranked as one of the worst.

This anime is infamous for its absurdly exaggerated fan service. With no real plot and disturbing character designs, Eikenis one of the worst anime series ever made.

10. Tesla Note (2021)

Tesla Note 2021 anime, with bad CGI and confusing storytelling, included in the 13 worst anime list.

If you thought EX-ARM was bad, Tesla Note somehow manages to compete. The CGI is atrocious, and the story is a confusing mess.

11. My Sister, My Writer (2018)

My Sister, My Writer 2018 anime, featuring awkward dialogues and an uncomfortable premise, part of our list

Horrible animation, cringeworthy dialogue, and a premise that’s just uncomfortable. This show is often listed in the worst anime ranking.

12. Dark Cat (1991)

Dark Cat 1991 anime, known for terrible animation and incomprehensible plot, considered one of the worst anime.

An old but legendary bad anime. With incomprehensible plot points and terrible animation, Dark Cat is still one of the worst anime of all time.

13. Conception (2018)

Conception 2018 anime, with a bizarre plot about impregnating magical girls, part of the top worst anime of all time.

A fantasy anime where the protagonist must impregnate 12 magical girls to save the world. Yes, that’s actually the plot. It’s as bad as it sounds, making it one of the worst anime to watch.

Final Thoughts

If you value your time, stay far away from these worst-rated anime in the world. From horrendous CGI to awful storytelling, these anime fail in every aspect. Avoid them at all costs!

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  1. Anonymous

    Made one on best anime to watch in 2025

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